Supporting cross-disciplinary research in natural sciences


EOSC Future has released a new series of use cases to show the value of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) for research.  

The cases are named “EOSC in practice stories” and highlight how EOSC resources (i.e. tools or services) already existing or under development have provided practical support to researchers in their daily work. The stories also demonstrate the benefits of EOSC for a broad range of actors, often across multiple research domains.

EOSC in Practice with Cos4Cloud

The fifth EOSC in practice story targets two main types of users: (1) the citizen and citizen scientists who are interested in identifying and knowing more about plants, and (2) developers of applications and software for plant identification, gardening, biodiversity management, agroecology or other related fields.


Plant identification services on EOSC

The solution here described is provided by a consortium of French research organisms piloted by Inria, the French national research institute for digital science and technology and was developed within the Cos4Cloud project. The proposed solution is called Pl@ntNET, a citizen observatory and AI-based Platform designed to monitor plants biodiversity and help identify plants via pictures. It is organised in different thematic and geographical floras operational via a search engine.

You can Access Pl@ntNet identification service on EOSC Portal Catalogue and Marketplace here

Download & read the story now on Zenodo here
The full list of EOSC in practice stories is available here

05 September 2022